Oceanside News

Scholarship Prep Oceanside Welcomes Dr. Gregg Robinson, President of the San Diego County Department of Education

Scholarship Prep Oceanside Welcomes Dr. Gregg Robinson, President of the San Diego County Department of Education

Posted by Rachel Foy on April 11, 2024 in General News

Scholarship Prep’s Executive Director Jason Watts and Oceanside Principal Jessica Leahy were honored to host a distinguished guest this week: Dr. Gregg Robinson, Member of the San Diego County Board of Education.

With his extensive background as a sociology professor, Dr. Robinson brought a unique perspective to his visit. His interest in societal dynamics made our work with homeless, foster, and economically disadvantaged students particularly fascinating to him. Our commitment to supporting all students and our holistic approach to education struck a chord with Dr. Robinson.

One of the highlights of our visit was discussing our remarkable student outcomes. Dr. Robinson is passionate about data-driven decision-making, and our results-driven approach resonated strongly with him. It was inspiring to see his genuine interest in our students' academic progress, especially those facing significant challenges outside the classroom.

We are grateful for Dr. Robinson's time and attention during his visit. His support means a great deal to us as we continue our mission of providing a high-quality education to every student who walks through our doors.

Thank you once again, Dr. Robinson, for your visit and your commitment to education!